A. Background

    1. Within the context of sub-regional integration in Africa COMESA is implementing a Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) funded project named "Programme for Building African Capacity for Trade (PACT II)", in partnership with the International Trade Center (ITC).
    2. One of the purposes of the Programme is to strengthen the support capacity of relevant Regional and National Institutions to enhance the export competitiveness, market linkage and trade performance of the African Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in high potential sectors.
    3. Among the priority sectors of COMESA leather sector has been selected by COMESA Secretariat as a priority for the PACT II program.
    4. The sector development components stemmed from the outcome of the strategy development and supply chain analysis conducted during the COMESA Leather Sector Round Table Meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in August 2007, organized by the COMESA Secretariat and COMESA/LLPI.
    5. The Regional Leather Sector and National Value Chain Development Strategy Review Meeting held in Nairobi, Kenya in February 2010, agreed amongst other issues to :
      1. Review the strategy using a participatory value chain approach;
      2. Adapt the ITC strategy development methodology for COMESA and specific leather sector needs;
      3. Appoint a “Core Team” composed of COMESA Secretariat, LLPI, ESALIA, and focal points representing private and public sector;
      4. Co-opt new member based on needs;
      5. Solicit support for the Core Team from ITC and COMESA Secretariat;
      6. Entrust the Core Team to oversee the finalization and validation of the strategy, and to represent stakeholders interest;
    6. As a follow-up to the above meeting, a forum was held at the COMESA Secretariat in May 2010 that was attended by the Secretariat, LLPI, ESALIA and ITC and further agreed on the initial structure and composition of the Core Team.


B. Objectives:

    1. To ensure the interests of COMESA leather sector stakeholders are represented in the strategy design, policy alignment, and planning and strategy implementation;
    2. To act as a consultative and advisory body to COMESA Secretariat & other development partners;

C. Mandate of the Core Team

    1. The Core Team’s mandate comes from the COMESA Secretariat targeting specific programs to the leather sector. It is expected to:
      1. Undertake the review and periodic update of the regional leather sector strategy and implementation;
      2. Provide advice to COMESA on: validation of needs, orientation, and progress review and implementation results;
      3. Facilitate and support COMESA negotiations with partners for project proposals in leather sector in conjunction with ITC and based on the Leather Strategy;
      4. Communicate, validate and disseminate strategy priorities and implementation progress at COMESA and member States level and promote cross fertilization of success models;
      5. Provide regular feedback to COMESA secretariat and ITC about the technical support required by the Core Team to perform its mandate;
      6. Ensure that implementation is linked to each stage of the sector’s value chain and factors the interdependencies of actors;
      7. Advocate the priorities of the strategy in leather and leather related regional forums, meetings, workshops, etc.

D. Composition and Governance of the CoreTeam

    1. The Core Team, made up of 7 members from public and private organizations is composed of representatives of the following organizations: COMESA, LLPI, ESALIA, and country focal points.
    2. The Core Team members’ term of the office will be renewed every two years by COMESA in consultation with LLPI and ESALIA.
    3. The Core Team shall elect the Chairperson who shall chair for two years, but may be re-elected to serve for a further one year depending upon the strategy development, implementation and monitoring processes.
    4. The Core Team has the delegated authority to replace an existing member if they can no longer perform their function or are not fully committed.
    5. The Core Team shall prepare its annual work-plan and budget in consultation with COMESA and ensure it is integrated in the main COMESA work-plan and budget.
    6. The Core Team shall meet in ordinary session once in three months. In addition, an extra-ordinary session may be convened when required

E. Support to the Core Team

  1. COMESA secretariat has the ownership of the strategy through the Core Team, and is responsible for the following:
    1. Provide overall administrative and financial support and consult with Core Team on technical and all organizational matters related to the leather sector activities;
    2. Ensure high-level visibility and commitment to the work of the Core Team;
    3. Mobilize and secure resources for strategy implementation and Core Team operational purposes;
    4. Ensure that LLPI and ESALIA support the Core Team in the organizational process and in the provision of technical inputs;
    5. Delegate LLPI to serve as Secretariat of the Core Team;
  2. In the context of PACT II program, ITC is responsible for the following:
    1. Ensure communication flow and advice to the Core Team for efficient implementation of the activities;
    2. Provide technical support to the Core Team including strategy and market development and trade information;
    3. Build the capacity of the Core Team through various training;

F. Core Team Members:


Core Team Members

  • Mohamed Suliman Hussein

    Mohamed Suliman Hussein

    Mobile: +249 912 30 54 28
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





    Academic qualifications:

    B Sc Mechanical Engineering – University of Khartoum / Sudan
    MBA – Major in Project Management – UMST /Sudan

    Practical Experience:

    2011 – Date: General Manager Afrostar Tannery
    2009 – 2011: General Manager CENCOM (NOKIA Authorized Dealer in Sudan)
    2007 – 2009: General Manager Sulitan International Co. Ltd (Tannery & Leather export)
    2005 – 2007: General Manager Continental Transport (Transportation Company)
    1996 – 2005 : General Manager Suliman Tannery

    Community Service Roles:

    2014 – 2018  Leather& Footwear Chamber – D. Secretary General
    2014 – 2018  Leather Exporters Department – D. Secretary General
    2010 – 2014 Leather & Footwear Chamber – D. Secretary General
    2006 -  2010 Leather & Footwear Chamber – President
    2002 – 2006 Khartoum State Industries Chamber  - D. Secretary General


    Afrostar Tannery – Start-up & expansion
    Sudanese Leather Estate Project Idea and Pre-feasibility study
    Meet In Africa 2009 – Khartoum Project documents preparation &execution
    Sudanese Leather Sector Analysis and Development plan Study

  • Dr. Tadesse Hailemariam

    Dr. Tadesse HailemariamTadesse Hailemariam MAMO (Dr)

    PLACE OF BIRTH:          Addis Ababa
    NATIONALITY:                 Ethiopian                                               
    MARTITAL STATUS:     Married
    ADDRESS:    P.O. Box 59234 (Private)
    Tel: (+251)11- 4390327(Off.)
    (+251) 91-1407931/408641 (cell phone)
    (+251) 11-1551703 (Res.)
    Fax: (+251)11- 4390900 (Off.)
    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    • OBJECTIVE: -

     To help to benefit the resource poor farmers through the development of the COMESA region leather sector.

    • Formal EDUCATION:-

    More than 6 months (starting with more recent)

    • University of Reading, United Kingdom (England). MSc, “Agricultural Extension and Community Studies,” September 1992- December 1993.


    • Training in Computer Skills Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, July 1991, June 1998 and November 1999.
    • Ukraine Agricultural University, Kiev, Ukraine, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (MSc in Veterinary Medicine), September 1974-December1979.


    • Haile Selassie I University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia July 1973 (First Year complete).
    • Teferi Mekonnen Elementary and Secondary School, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, ESLC (Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate), September 1961 - July 1972.
    • POST MSc WORK EXPERIENCES (Major ones, starting from more  recent)


    • Position:            Training, Consultancy and Extension Expert

    Organization: COMESA-Leather and Leather Products Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

    Duration:           2012 –to date

    Duties:               Organize, supervise and conduct training, consultancy and extension activities in all value chains of leather and allied commodities. Coordinate, supervise and conduct National and Regional seminars, workshops, conferences etc.

                                 Prepare Projects for financing organizations and multilateral donors.

    • Position:            Chairman, Regional Leather Sector   Core Team


    Organization:  COMESA Secretariat/LLPI, Addis   Ababa, Ethiopia

    Duration:           October 2010-to date

    Duties:               Ensure the interests of COMESA leather sector stakeholders are represented in the strategy design, policy alignment and planning and strategy implementation.

    Act as a consultative and advisory body to the COMESA Secretariat and other development partners.

    • Position:            Board Chairman


    Organization:  Green Horizon Ethiopia, and Young Talent Ethiopia

    Duration:           2008- to-date

    Duties:               Overall management / direction of the Organizations in the Protection of Vulnerable Forest land in different part of Ethiopia through Community Based Natural Resources Management and help organize Vision able Ethiopian Youth Society respectively.

    • Position:            Research Assistant and Training Officer

     Organization: COMESA-Leather and Leather Products Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Duties:               Prepare Projects for financing organizations and multilateral donors. Organize and conduct National and Regional seminars, workshops, conferences etc. Work closely with International Consultants in identifying needs in terms of training and capacity building in accordance with the work plan and budget, etc... (Funded by member countries assessed contributions).

    •  Position:           National (Ethiopia) Project Coordinator and National Expert at LLPTI, currently LIDI

    Organization: COMESA-LLPI and Leather Industries Development Institute (LIDI), formerly Leather and Leather Products Technology Institute (LLPTI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Duration:2003- 2006 (July)

    Duties:              Overall Coordination of the Project on “Adding Value to African Leather: Through Improvement of Quality of Leather and Leather Products”, funded by the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC).

    Prepare budget, organize and conduct national trainings, seminars in partnership with LIDI (to tannery owners, supervisors, technicians, SMEs, engaged in hides /skins production/collection and manufacturing of various leather and leather products), and supervising the Projects’ activities in line with those of the COMESA Region.

    • Position:          Head, Quality Improvement and Regulatory Department

    Duration:1999 – 2003 (June)

    Organization:  Livestock Marketing Authority of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Duties:              Based on the requirements of international laws and regulations, initiate policies, laws and directives that can improve and regulate the quality of live animals, animal products and by –products.

    Regulate the quality of live animals, animal products for use in export and import marketing as well.

                   Approve the standard requirements of local livestock markets, abattoirs, quarantine stations, etc. and issue Certificates of Competence to public and private organizations engaged in the sector.

    • Position:          Program Manager, Veterinary Privatization Promotion Office (VPPO), Private Consultant (Contractual Bases)

    Duration:         1996-1999 (May)

    Organization: Pan African Rinderpest Campaign (PARC) Project Financed by the European Development Fund (EDF) under the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA)

    Duties:              Day-to-day management and operation of the VPPO, which has the principal task of expanding private veterinary services delivery in Ethiopia through Credit scheme to private veterinarians and auxiliaries with the total allocated fund of US$ 1 Million.

      Maintenance of the books of accounts for the office, submission of financial reports to the donor, European Union.

    Providing assistance to prospective private applicants (veterinarians, Animal Health Assistants and Technicians) in the preparation of business proposals and ensuring their commercial and social viability.

    • Position:          Technical Manager, Private Enterprise, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

    Duration:         1994-1995(September)

    Organization:  Angereb Enterprise, Import – Export and Commission   Agent.   

    Duties:              Demand–Supply Survey (assessment) in agricultural and   livestock inputs (veterinary drugs, acaricides, pesticides, livestock and livestock production equipment, accessories, etc...) at national level.

                               Import inputs and supplies upon requirements, office management and technical support to boost businesses of enterprise engaged in the sector.

     Position:          Senior Officer, Training and Animal Health Extension under Fourth Livestock Development Project (FLDP), financed by the World Bank

    Duration:         1994 (6 months)

    Organization: Ministry of Agricultural/FLDP, HQs

    Duties:              Management and Operation of the office, which has the principal task of organizing formal training including in-service training for professionals, sub-professionals, farmers, pastoralists, etc…


     Position:          Post Graduate Studies: Reading University, England, UK.

    Duration:         September 1992-December 1993

    (Dissertation prepared in partial fulfillment of the requirements for MSc in Agricultural and Community Studies, entitled: “Privatization: Alternative Approaches to Develop and Strengthen Veterinary Services in Ethiopia”.

    • Position:          Training and Animals Health Extension Officer under Fourth   Livestock Development Project (FLDP),financed by the World Bank

    Duration:         1990-1992

    Organization:  Ministry of Agriculture (FLDP/HQ)

    •  Position:         Senior Expert, Department of Veterinary Services     and Pan African Rinderpest Campaign (PARC) MoA HQs ,  financed by the European Union.

    Duration:         1989-1990

    Organization: Ministry of Agriculture (PARC/HQs)

    • Position:          Head, Animal and Fisheries Resource Development Department (AFRDD)

     Duration:         1985-1989

    Organization: North Western Ethiopia Agricultural Development Zonal Office (Gonder and Gojam).

    • Position:          Junior Research Officer

    Duration:         1984-1985

    Organization: Bahir-Dar Zonal Laboratory for North Western Ethiopia

    • Position:          Head Animal and Fisheries Resources Development   Division (Gonder/MoA)

    Duration:         1980-1984

    Organization:  Gonder Agricultural Development Office

    •   Position:        Junior Veterinary Expert (Ministry of Agriculture)

      Duration:        1979-1980

    Organization:  Gondar Agricultural   Development Office (Gonder)

    • Trainings Less than 6 months (starting with more recent)


    • UNCTAD, Commonwealth Secretariat, African EXIM BANK and COMESA/LLPI, “Workshop on Strengthening Regional Supply Chains in the Leather Sector in Su-Saharan Africa”, June 6-7 2013, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
    • USAID, CAADP, Africa Lead Workshop “Champions for Change Advancing the Regional CAADP Agenda” 11th-15 March 2013, Dares Salam, Tanzania.

    - International Trade Center (ITC), Chi samba, Zambia, “Results Based       Management Training “, Certificate, July 2010.

    • Ministry of Capacity Building, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, “Change Management and Performance Management Course”, Certificate, May 2003.

    Ministry of Capacity Building, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,” strategic Planning and Management Course”, Certificate, April 2003.

    • Ethiopian Management Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, “General Management Course”, Certificate, January 2003.

    Quality Standards Authority of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,” ISO-9000 Quality Management System” Training, Certificate, May 2000.

    • VOCA/Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, “Principles of Marketing, Export Trade, Trade Negotiation Procedures, Competition in Live Animals and Meat Export”, Training”, December, 1999.

    Interkerkelijke Stitching Ethiopia, URK, the Netherlands, “Integrated Livestock and Fishery Development Training”, Certificate, December 1988.

    • Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, “Management and Public Administration Course”, Certificate, July 1987.


    Consultancy Services, Manuals, Papers Preparation, Business Tours

     2011:              “Hides and Skins Production Defects and Their Impact on the Leather Industry in Ethiopia” LIDI, Vol. 1, February 2011, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    2009:              Consultancy Services: Raw Hides and Skins Production, Quality Assessment and Standardization Concept, November –December 2008, Kigali, Rwanda.

    2008               Professional Competence Certificate, Ethiopian Management Institute, March 21, 2008, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    2007/08:        Consultancy Services: Ethiopian Livestock Master Plan: Hides and Skins Production and Marketing Sub-master Plan Diagnostic Studies and Formulation Plan, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2007-2008.

    2006/07:         Consultancy Services:Leather Value Addition, Market Promotion, and Regional Integration Project Identification and Preparation  for the African Development Bank (ADB) financing, in Rwanda, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia, July 2006-August 2007.

    2006:              Project Feasibility Study on Meat Processing Plant Establishment/Export Oriented. November 2006, Sebeta,Ethiopia.

    2005:              “Causes, Extent and Impact of Pre-slaughter Defects of Hides and Skins on the Leather Sector in East Africa”, paper prepared and presented to the Regional Workshop, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 2005.

    2004:              “COMESA/LLPI­­- A Short Overview”, paper presented to the Expert Consultation on African Animal Resources and Trade Development Seminar, Mombassa, Kenya, September 2004.

    2004:              “COMES/LLPI: Current Status and an Outlook for the Leather Sub-sector”, paper presented to the 18th Conference of the Ethiopian Veterinary Association (EVA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April, 2004.

    2001-2003:    Guidelines on the Establishment of Export (Registered) Abattoirs and various standards of Local slab houses, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, (English and Amharic) 2001-2003.

    2002:              Food Safety Issues from International and National              Perspectives”, paper presented to the National Workshop on the Occasion of  “Food Safety Week” Organized by UNIDO, Ministry of Health and other stakeholders, Addis Ababa, November 2002.

    2002:              Row Hides and Skins Extension Strategy and Implementation Program, Livestock Marketing Authority, (Amharic) Addis Ababa Ethiopia, August 2002.

    2002:              “Major Livestock Diseases of Export Trade Significance and Available Alternatives of Meeting Health Requirements,” LMA, Addis Ababa, June 2002.

    2001:              ²Recent Developments and the Outlook in the Hides and skins sector in Ethiopia².  Paper presented to the 7th session of Intergovernmental Group on Hides and Skin Sub-Group Rome, Italy, June 2001.

    2001:              National Grading Manual for Live Animals and Carcass, LMA, Addis Ababa, March 2001.

    2000:              “Hides and Skin Supply Trend and Problems Encountered in Ethiopia².  Paper presented to a workshop on the problems of hides and skin sub-sector, Addis Ababa, February 2000.

    1999:              Review of the PARC-III Ethiopian Veterinary Privatization Scheme and Proposal for Future Implementation, Ministry of Agriculture, April 1999, Addis Ababa.

    1998:              “Diagnostic Studies on Stakeholders Appreciation, Needs Assessment and Future Initiatives, Design of Veterinary Services Delivery in Bale and Arsi Zones, Oromiya Region”, Consultancy report prepared and submitted to Ethio- Italian Development Cooperation, June 1998, Addis Ababa.

    1998:              “Comparative studies of Animal Health Delivery Systems and Applications to Ethiopia”. Discussion paper presented on Business Planning and Management Training for Private Veterinary Practitioners," MOA, June 1998, Addis Ababa.

    1997:              "Animal Health Care Delivery for Chora Ancheby Locality," Jimma Zone, Consultancy paper submitted to Pestalozzi Children's Foundation (NGO), December 1997 Addis Ababa.

    1997:              The Role of Private Veterinary Practices in Developing Countries and Strengthening of Animal Health Service Delivery in Ethiopia. Discussion paper presented on the National Animal Health Workshop, August 1997, Addis Ababa.

    1993:              “Privatization: Alternative Approach to Develop and Strengthen Veterinary Services in Ethiopia". Dissertation prepared in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MSc in Agricultural Extension, and community studies" August 1993, Reading, United Kingdom.

    1991:              Manual Prepared on ²Animal Health Extension Package”, February 1991, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Amharic).

    1990:              Paper Prepared and Presented on “Village Animal Health Promotion Program" under the Fourth Livestock Development Project, April 1990, Nairobi, Kenya.

    1990:              Work Manual and Job Description for Professionals and Sub- professionals, PARC, May 1989, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Amharic).

    1988:              Feasibility studies on "Complex Agrarian Reform Integrated Livestock Development under Ethiopian Context, in Particular," May 1989, Moscow, USSR.

    1979:              "Distribution of Livestock and Economical loss due to Bovine Larval Cestodes in Ethiopia". Dissertation prepared in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the DVM in Animal Science, June 1979, Kiev, Ukraine.

    • Business Visits/Experience Sharing

    Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Sudan, Yemen Arab Republic, Kenya, Republic of South Africa, India, Djibouti, Botswana, Tanzania, Russia, Somaliland, Netherlands, Arab Republic of Egypt, Republic of Tunisia, Uganda, Malawi, Italy, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Turkey, France, United Kingdom, USA etc.








    Mother tongue

    Mother tongue

    Mother tongue














    • References:-
      • Dr. Gijs vant Klooster

             Team Leader, Livestock Sector
    P.O. Box 5507
    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    Tel. +251-11-6478888
    Cell phone +251-92-1329756

      • Mr. Wendu Legesse

             Director General, Leather Industry Development Institute (LIDI) 
    P.O. Box 24692 code 1000
    Tel. +251-11-4391700, 4391492
    Cell phone (+251)-91 –1212764
    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

      • Dr. Berhanu Admassu

    Senior Policy Advisor
    Tufts University, CHANET Africa
    P.O. Box 1078
    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    Cell phone +251-91-1243302



  • Nicholas Mudungwe

    Mr. Nicholas Mudungwe
    Cluster Management Expert, COMESA-LLPI
    BSc (Hon.,  Economics), MBA.

    Nicholas Mudungwe is an economist by profession who has a solid national, regional and international experience in development covering project design & management, appraisal, value chain, industry and trade policy analysis. He has led teams of experts in the designing, implementing national and regional projects. He has hands on experience in working with national governments, RECS, corporate executives, rural and industry/business communities in designing and implementing projects with an orientation towards improving the performance of commodity value chains. He has worked for 16 years in areas covering industry and trade policy analysis, projects design, implementation and appraisal. He has appraised projects at global (in 2008, he was hired by FAO, Rome to appraise development project to support commodity value chins); in this capacity he evaluated projects from Africa, South America, China and India.

    He has worked in three continents, Africa, Europe and Oceania. Nicholas has consulted for COMESA, SADC, EU, USAID, ITC, FAO and the Pacific Island Secretariat Forum among others. He has worked with both large and small business people in urban and rural areas. Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa (ACTESA). He has published the following:

    • Jointly a research paper on ‘The Impact of Commodity Development Projects on Smallholder’s Market Access in Developing countries’ (http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/aq290e/aq290e.pdf). 
    • The level and variation of tariff rates: A comparative analysis of Zimbabwe and South Africa   tariff regimes (www.tips.org.za)
    • The level and variation of tariff rates (www.tips.org.za).
    • Finalising a joint publication entitled – Unlocking the potential of the Ethiopian leather value chain: Livestock based extension service role.

    He has also worked as a resource person in the developing of the Zimbabwe leather strategy (http://www.intracen.org/export-strategy-map/Zimbabwe-Leather-Sector-Strategy2012-2017-Leath) and the COMESA region leather strategy (http://www.intracen.org/export-strategy-map/comesa-leather-strategyleather-sudan-SESITC-201..). The focuses of both strategies are aimed at improving the value chains and support the growth of SMEs clusters. He also facilitated and crafted the Alliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa (ACTESA), which was adopted by COMESA Heads of State in 2011, in Malawi during the COMESA Summit. He was instrumental in designing the COMESA Cluster Initiative, which is supporting the development of SMEs in the production of value added products in leather, textile and cassava value chains.

  • Ms. Victoria Senkubuge Byoma

     Personal Details

    • Victoria Senkubuge-Byoma  
    • P.O. Box 2677, Kampala Uganda
    • +256 772-502-363/ +256 312 279-017
    • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • Married with two children.  

    Professional Education and Qualifications

    • Commissioner for Oaths-1991
    • Diploma in Legal Practice, Law Development Center -1980
    • Bachelor of Laws, Makerere University [1979]

    Employment History
    1.         After my PGD at Law Development Center, I was employed by the Center in the Department of Research, Law Reform and Publications where my duties included lecturing the Certificate of Law students.  
    2.         I was recruited and joined Uganda Commercial Bank in 1982 based on my legal qualifications and held the positions indicated hereunder. 

      • Senior Manager, UCB Human Resource Department. [1996-1998]
      • Senior Manager, UCB Legal Services Department. [1994-1996]
      • Legal Officer, UCB Legal Services Department  [1982-1994]
      • Secretary, UCB Personnel Committee 1996-1998
      • Vice-Chairperson, UCB Staff Association.  1994-1998
      • Member, UCB Staff Commendation and Disciplinary Committee [1995-1998] 

    I thus have 16 years of legal practice in a Banking industry. My work involved drafting, perusing and filing  court documents, attending court in suits for and against the Bank, drawing mortgage deeds; caveats; bonds; promissory notes; letters of credit; perusing sale, lease and tenancy agreements;  legal opinions and similar other bank security and legal documentation. As Senior Manager based in the Human Resource Department I oversaw the legal aspects of the Bank’s privatization exercise, and ensured that the process was in compliance with the relevant laws, especially the laws on succession and employment benefits. I participated in staff disciplinary proceedings which required knowledge of practical banking, the Law of Banking, rules and regulations. I became conversant with practical banking, having undertaken several basic and advanced banking courses.
    After Full time employment  
    After full time legal practice with Uganda Commercial Bank, I opted to go into consultation work to enhance my knowledge and information about Public and Private Sector management and practices, specifically corporate governance issues, consumer rights and compliance issues. I have participated in business activities especially in the manufacturing and export industries, working with SMEs and member associations, assisting them to improve their legal documentation and corporate governance. I have served on several Boards where my legal knowledge and expertise was my key value contribution. This engagement strategy has enhanced my understanding of processes in those fields, and has assisted my making better decisions in forums where I have had to exercise my judgment.  
    I attended several empowering short courses and workshops which have enhanced my analytical skills and ability to synthesize information.  
    Below are some of the short courses attended

    • Entrepreneurial-ship Development program (EDP) SPEED, USAID. 1998
    • Customer care Program (EDP) SPEED, USAID. 1998
    • Customer Relations Makerere University Business School
    • Internet Awareness for Women’s Business Network, USAID, 2000
    • Train the Exporter Trainer/Consultant CBI, EPC, UEPB, BET, 2005
    • Web based Market Research CBI. UEPB 2005
    • Gender Mainstreaming: Training the Trainer DTI Swaziland 2006
    • Corporate Governance FIDA Swaziland 2007
    • Senior Management Development Programme: Strengthening Competencies for Governance and Economic Management UNIDO 2005
    • Innovation Systems and Cluster Formation. SIDA Canada, and Cluster Navigators, New Zealand/ Makerere University. 2007
    • Ugandan Advisory Capacities for Export Competitiveness Consultant/Trainer [ITC/UEPB-2008]
    • Export Training of African Women Artisans for the American Market [Vital Voices –USA, 2008] 

    Board work experience
    1. Commissioner Uganda Communications Commission [1998 to 2008]

    • Appointed an ICT regulator since the inception of Uganda Communications Commission, I participated in the operationalization of the Uganda Communications Commission Act, specifically the formation of the Commission systems, structures and teams. I have served as Chairman of three of the Commission Committees, lasting three years in each post; i.e. Planning and Development, Finance and Tender and, Legal and Technical Committees.
    • Under the first P&D Committee, I oversaw the structuring and staffing of the Commission, as well as the scrutiny and initiation of all key organizational documents governing the Commission [Business, Strategic, Work Plans and the Human Resource documents such as the Staff Manual].
    • Under the F&T Committee, Corporate Budgets, Financial Manual, Assets Register, and the Procurement system among others were put in place.
    • Under the L&T Committee, key documents like the Telecommunications Regulations, Licensing Agreements and other regulatory documents were drafted and launched. Key sector Policies such as the Postal and the Telecommunications Policy were also initiated.  

    By 2008, the Commission, in its 10th year, was rated the best Communications regulator in Africa, as well as enjoying a credible global reputation. The Commission also boasted the best example of a well-managed Rural Service Fund in Africa. This excellent performance persists to date, curtsy of a good foundation.   
    I have attended a couple of international symposiums especially hosted by the International Telecommunications Union and other ICT regional bodies like the African Telecommunications Union where key national, regional and international ICT development initiatives were discussed and launched. I have also attended key Regulatory Training workshops.

      • Utility Regulation and Strategy, Public Utility Research Center, University of Florida Gainesville, USA. 2003
      • Training for the Directors of Public and Private Enterprises, the Directors’ Institute for Development Uganda, 2003.
      • Participation in the formulation of strategies for introducing regulatory training in African Universities in 2003, Portland Oregon USA. 
      • Utility regulation in UK, Public International Administration UK London. 2004
      • Facilitated at the induction of the 1st Communications Authority of Zambia Commissioners 2007 at Lusaka, Zambia.  

    My work with UCC gave me a solid foundation in corporate governance, as well as regulatory skills over public utilities and resources. The work also sharpened my competence at reading, internalizing and synthesizing volumes of legal and technical documents, specifically the detailed licensing Agreements between UCC and the Communications Companies, the highly technical sale agreements with multinational suppliers of communications solutions and the lengthy Memorandums of Understanding with international development partners.
    I also developed a broad understanding of the entire ICT sector, Government ICT policies projections and interventions of international development partners, the domestic Service Providers and their obligations as well as the rights of the consumers. My re-appointment on the UICT Governing Board is based on my contribution to the development of the ICT sector.
    2. Board Member, Uganda Manufactures Association [UMA] (2000 to 2009)  
    My interface with Uganda Manufactures Association that has the largest and best entrepreneur base, in addition to being the most orderly private sector association spanned eight years and enhanced my knowledge and information about Uganda’s topmost Business Community. UMA’s advocacy objective of ensuring an enabling business environment for its members brought it in close interface with the Uganda Law Reform Commission, and I participated in the Board’s reviews of most of the law reform proposals impacting the Business Community.  

        • 2002 I participated in the ACP and ACP-EU Private Sector Meetings that led to the establishment of the ACP Private Sector Business Forum in Brussels, Belgium 2004
        • 2004 I participated in the establishment of the Rules of Procedure for Accrediting the Private Sector, Civil Society and NGOs to the Peace and Security Program of COMESA, Mbabane Swaziland May 2004. The COMESA top body adopted these Rules during the COMESA Kampala Meet of 2004.
        • 2004. I was for eight years, a Member of the Quarterly meetings of the Commercial Court Users Forum, which brought together all key users of the Commercial Court where discussions centered on issues that impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the Commercial Court.
        • 2005 I have served as a co-opted member of the Regulatory Environmental Committee of the President Investment Round Table (PIRT), where deliberations cantered on identifying and fast-tracking Government interventions to minimize bottlenecks to economic development.
        • 2005.  Through workshops, conferences, and perusing position papers, I was an active participant in the Private Sector discussions leading to the establishment of the East African Community and the East African Community Customs Union. This gave me the strategic benefit of accessing background information on the Treaties establishing these regional bodies. 

    My work with UMA enhanced my knowledge of corporate governance issues in the Private Sector.  
    3.  Board Member, and later Chairman of the Uganda Institute of Information and Communications Technology UICT- Nakawa. [2000-to-date]
    UICT was set up by Uganda Communications Commission to cater for the human resource needs of the Communications Sector. I served on all its Boards and later as Chairman of its Governing Council. I was part of the team that oversaw its establishment as a fully-fledged Tertiary Institution, offering ICT training.  
    My work with UICT has grounded me in the knowledge and skills of establishing, and managing universities and tertiary institutions and competence in their supervision as per the Tertiary Institutions Act of 2001.
    4. Council Member, Makerere University Business School (2008 to date)

      • In 2008, I was appointed on the Governing Council of Makerere University Business School, for four years and during the said period I was the Chairman of its Appointment Board.
      • In August 2012, I was reappointed for a further four years and now serve as the Vice Chairperson of the Council  

    The MUBS experience has enhanced my knowledge of corporate governance issues in institutions of higher learning.  
    5. A member of the Governing Council of the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution [CADER] since its inception, I participated in the formation of the structures that constitute the operations of CADER. I have used my position on the various public and private forums to advocate for its adoption and CADER is now part and parcel of the Judicial System in Uganda.  
    6. Chairperson and Founder Member, Footwear and Leather Good Manufacturers and Exporters Association- 2011 to date.
    The Association focuses on building production and marketing capacity for young entrepreneurs and investors committed to the development and growth of finished leather products for the domestic and export markets. I have modelled the association following my experience with other already established associations to which I have been a member.  
    Membership to Business Associations

      • Uganda Manufacturers Association-Board Member for 8 years 2000-2008 
      • Training and Common Facility Center, Industrial Area [TCFC]-Board Member from 2003-2007. I am one of the founding members of this Center.
      • Uganda Women Entrepreneurs Association
      • The Uganda Investment Authority Women Entrepreneurs Network- Member
      • Currently, Chairperson of the established Footwear and Leather-goods Manufactures and Exporters Association.

    Current and Past  Engagements:

    • CBI Certified Export Trainer/Consultant with Uganda Export Promotion Board.
    • Participating Consultant with CBI Netherlands in the drafting of   Export Marketing Plans for key sectors in the EAC.
    • Participating Consultant with CBI Netherlands in the development of content for the East African Export website RISE which is an Internet based hub for boosting exports from East Africa.
    • Participated and Contributor to the content of the current Uganda National Export Strategy for Arts and Crafts.
    • Legal and Business Development Consultancy work with CBI Netherlands
    • Trainer/Mentor with Uganda Women Entrepreneurs Association.
    • Mentor for women Artisans in collaboration with Vital Voices of USA.
    • Rotarian of Kampala East Rotary Club.

    Civic responsibilities

      • Committee Member, Makerere College School Old Students Association [1997-1999]
      • Chairperson, Women LC.II, Nsambya Parish [1986-2001]
      • Lady Captain, Uganda Golf Club [1986-1987]
      • Secretary, FIDA    [1984-1985]
      • Chairperson, Africa Hall, Makerere University   [1977-1978] 

    Meritorious Awards/Achievements

    • In 2004, I won an Award by IDEA; a Swedish based Project, for Innovation and Creativity by virtue of my Mat and Leather products.
    • I own Gifts A’ Curios Ltd., a design and production Company specializing in authentically Ugandan corporate gifts and export quality commercial crafts, with a functional Studio based in Luzira. .
    • I am currently working on establishing Wakiso Heritage Center with the mission of restructuring and upgrading subsistence production based on indigenous knowledge and skills to high yield competitive commercial production for wealth creation.
    • I have a well developed portfolio of products made using several local materials in combination with leather, ready for mass production for export.  

    About myself.
    As a result of the above, I profess to have among others, leadership, management, communication, listening and analytical skills, integrity and moral aptitude with an eye for detail.  

    • Professor JC Munene-Head of the Center for Post Graduate Studies, Makerere University Business School
    • Dr. Abel Katahoire-Former Chairperson, Uganda Communications Commission
    • Dr. Willian Kalema- Former Chairperson, Uganda Manufacturers Association

    Curriculum Vitae:
    Victoria Senkubuge-Byoma  2013                                                                                      Page of 8

  • Mr. Robert Bam Musis

    NAME                                           :           MUSISI BAM ROBERT
    CONTACT ADRESS                       :           P.O.BOX  1307, KAMPALA
    TEL-CONTACT                                :          MOB: +256774116679
    EMAIL                                                :          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    PHYSICAL ADRESS                            :         Sixth Street, Industrial Area, Kampala
    SEX                                                         :         MALE
    AGE                                                       :          45 YEARS
    NATIONALITY                                    :          UGANDAN
    Areas Of Effectiveness:
    Team work, Community mobilization and Trustworthiness.
    Human Relations/ Communication
    Effective counselor facilitating human growth and development.Effectivelistener, conveying awareness and development and mutual rapport. Good team worker, able to express appreciation and share credit with others.
    Leadership/ Planning/ Organizing
    Able to take the initiative in developing Innovations, ability to work under little or without supervision and ability to make appropriate decisions, delegate duties, and organize others for cooperative efforts towards achieving goals and objectives.
    Educational Back ground





    Kyambogo University

    Bachelor Of Adult And Community Education


    Namboole High

    Uganda Advanced Certificate Of Education


    Uganda Technical College Bushenyi

    Craft Certificate Shoe Making and Leather Tanning


    Ishaka Adventist College

    Uganda Certificate of Education

    Other  Certificate and Trainings





    I T C

    South-South Trade Development ant I T C’s Business Methodology ( Certificate )


    Management Training and Advisory Centre

    Entrepreneurship Skills and Development


    Institute of Corporate Governance

    Corporate Governance


    Uganda Program for Trade Opportunities and Policy

    Trade and Trade Policy Analysis



    Certificate of Completion


    Training And Common Facility Centre

    Professional’s Certificate In Shoe Making


    Training And Common Facility Centre

    Advanced  Certificate In Shoe Making


    Directorate Of Industrial Training

    Certificate In Orthopedic Leather Work

    Work Experience





    2009-To date

    Ag Executive Director

    Training And Common Facility Centre



    Leather Technician and In Charge Leather workshop

    Foundation Of People With Disabilities



    Leather Technician

    Mulago Hospital Orthopedic Workshop



    Assistant Instructor
    Leather workshop

    Ministry Of Gender Labor And Social Development


    Extra Mural Activities
    Period                                   Position                                                                Organization
    2009-Date           Board Secretary                                                                Training And Common Facility Center
    2007-2009            Volunteer Asst Project Officer                   Youth WithPhysical Disability Dev’t Forum
    2005-2007            Volunteer Dev’t Worker                                               Kahungye Tukore Group ( C B O)
    2005-2009            Board Chairman                                                Training And Common Facility Center
    2001-2005            Board Member                                                 Training And Common Facility Center

    I, the  under signed, certify to the best of my ability and belief,these data describes my qualifications, experience and personality.
    Signature_______________________________                          Date_____________________________
    Full Names:        MUSISI  BAM  ROBERT

  • Ms. Nalina Rupani


    Ms Nalina Rupani


    Date of Birth: 21/10/1963

    Age: 48 Years

    Marital Status: Married

    Children: 2

    Address: P.O Box 78546-00507 Nairobi

    Nationality: Kenyan


    Ngara Secondary School - 1977-1980
    4 GCE ‘O’Levels
    6”O’Levels (Kenyan Board of Examination)

    The Aga Khan Academy - 1981-1982
    3 ‘A’Levels in Economics, Geography and English Literature

    Alliance Francaise - 1981-1982
    Intermediate Level French

    Queensway Secretarial College - 1983
    Shorthand Theory and Speed
    Shorthand Typewriting Transcription

    City of London College - 1983
    Commenced Associate of Chartered Insurance Institute course (ACII)

    CBI, Netherlands - 1994-1996
    Course in marketing and managing export to West European markets

    Shia Imami Ismaili Women’s Association - 1996
    Public Speaking Course

    The Gemmological Association - 2001
    Preliminary Course in gemology

    International Trade Centre
    Enterprise Management Development
    Advisory course - 2008

    Resource Mobilisation course - 2012


    1983-1986 - Alexander Stenhouse U.K Ltd
    Insurance Broking Assistant, England

    1986-1988 - Sharma & Sharma, Nairobi
    Office Manager
    Duties included administrative work for the company,
    payroll, filling, and staff management.

    1988 to Date: Managing Director- Nalina Ltd

    • Founder and Managing Director of Adelphi The LeatherShop a leather goods company
    • Specialising in manufacture, wholesale and retail of leather goods.
    • Responsibilities included purchase of raw material, Design development and Production of leather products i.e, handbags, briefcases, wallets, folders, belts etc.
    • Training of inhouse staff in quality production of all leather products since inception of company in 1988
    • Acquired design and production skills from various leather experts visiting our company from United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Holland over the years
    • Attended a training course on export marketing by CBI in Holland
    • Local marketing of Wholesale of promotional/gift items,
    • Management of 3 Retail leather shops
    • managing10 personnel in the
    • Company in all areas of the leather business
    • Expanded the leather accessory range to include jewellery
    • designing in 18ct gold with stone settings.


    2010 to date : Real estate development


    1993-1999 : National Board Member of the Aga Khan Economic Planning Board which involved community service involving counseling, Initiating projects, seminars and lunches to assist and advise on Various business and entrepreneurship matters for members of the community.

    2001-2002 : Member of the Nairobi Committee of the Aga Khan Education
    Service which was voluntary service for the community on Education matters.

    2003-2005 : Member of the National Women's Advisory Committee, The
    Aga Khan Council, which is voluntary service for policy making
    for women in the community.

    2008-2009 : Member of the Ismaili professional and Business women's

    2008-2010 : Reiki Master/teacher, crystal healer, violet flame healer, Member of a reiki healing Association, Lotus seva Healing Group.

    2010 to 2011: Chair of� the Leather Apex Committee World Bank initiative
    for value addition to leather managed by Deloitte consultants

    2010 to date : Board Member of Kenya Leather Development Council a parastatal
    Under the Ministry of Livestock

    Currently a member of the American Chamber of Commerce, and
    Organisation of women in trade (OWIT) and American Womens

    Participation in seminars and trade fairs abroad for the leather Industry, namely, Pirmasens Leather fair in Germany, Offenbach Leather fair in Germany, Hong Kong Leather fair, Meet Africa leather Fair in Cape Town and Tunisia., Chennai Leather Fair, India Chennai Leather Fair (India), Ambiente Fair (Germany)
    Attended seminars on personal improvement i.e Landmark Forum and 9 ways to grow your business, Various energy ealingseminars/courses EFT, Body talk ,Reiki.

    My hobbies are reading, traveling, nature walks and energy healing.
  • Eng. Samia Hamid Elamin

    Eng. Samia Hamid Elamin

  • Mr. Gizaw Molla

    Personal Information:
    Name:                                    GizawMolla
    Date of Birth:             9th December 1958
    Nationality:                Ethiopian
    Sex:                            Male                                                                                 
    Marital Status:           Married
    P. O. Box -4067
    Addis Ababa,            Ethiopia
    Tel                               (251) 116 600795 (Home)
    (0911) 63 63 02 or (0911) 806176 (Mobile)        
    e-mail                         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Languages:              a) Amharic

    • English


      • Master of Science (MSc)

    in National Development and Project Planning.
    University of Bradford WestYorkshire, England,
    1973-1979-    Bachelorof Arts Degree (BA)
    in Economics,
    Addis AbabaUniversity, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

  • Mr. Abdissa Adugna

    Mr. Abdissa Adugna

  • Mr. Tezera Ketema

    Mr. Tezera Ketema


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