The Regional Leather Core Team Member from Uganda greatly appreciated the COMESA/LLPI’s activities and support for the development of the leather sector in the region in general and in Uganda in particular. The team made mention of the recently launched Ugandan Leather Value Chain Strategy and the formation of the Apex body for the leather sector that will be inaugurated soon in Uganda as sample of key achievements form collaborative activities between COMESA/LLPI, MTIC and the leather sector stockholders in Uganda.

The full text of the appreciation and Vote of Thanks message of the Team is attached HERE.

The Ugandan Leather Sector Strategy launch and unpacking workshop was held at Imperial Royal Hotel Kampala, Uganda from April 29 to 30, 2015. The Strategy was developed under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, in collaboration with the COMESA/Leather and Leather Products Institute (COMESA/LLPI). Key stakeholders working in the entire value chain also participated in the Strategy, formulation process.

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Following the invitation from the Makerere University Business School, COMESA/LLPI participated in the 11th Annual Entrepreneurship Conference held in Kampala from November 10 to 14, 2014. This Conference, organized by Makerere University Business School in partnership with Syracuse University-USA, ILO, and Laval University-Canada, brought together academicians, policy makers, researchers, practitioners from East Africa, South Africa, West Africa, Central and Southern Africa, UK and Canada. The Conference, with the theme “Promoting Employment through Small and Medium Enterprises”, encompassed the following Events.

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Prof. (Dr5) Mwinyikione Mwinyihija, Former Executive Director of ALLPI (2013-2022)

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Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI)
Office of the Executive Director
P.O.BOX: 2358 Code 1110
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