• Chingola Leather Cluster in Zambia receives Certification from the Zambia Bureau of Standards(ZABS) to manufacture Smelter and Workmans safety Gloves

    Glove Training Workshop Organized by ALLPI in 2018
    Glove Training Workshop Organized by ALLPI in 2018

    Chingola Leather Cluster in Zambia is now set to provide certified eco-friendly industrial gloves to the mines and engineering industry large. This is as the result of the capacity building intervention provided by Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute(ALLPI) in Collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Zambia through Ministry of Commerce , Trade and Industry and Konkola Copper Mines Plc (KCM). In 2018, ALLPI conducted Skills training in design and production of Industrial gloves at Chingola Leather Cluster as part of its deliverables among other things stipulated in the MOU signed with KCM.